Hannah Hilton – Women’s Health Specialist Osteopath

Feb 9, 2021

Hannah Hilton Women's Health Specialist Osteopath


We are delighted to have Hannah join our team at Cheadle Osteopathy, she will be such an asset to the team.  Hannah uses gentle articulation, joint mobilization and massage to help alleviate a wide range of aches and pains to improve health and well being of her patients.  In addition to the usual back pain, joint stiffness and sport injuries, Hannah has extensive training and  experience as a Women’s Health specialist osteopath.

Hannah believes osteopathy has a vital role to play in helping to alleviate both chronic and acute pain.


She is fully registered with the General Osteopathic Council (Registration number 8576) and insured.



What her patient’s say about her….

‘ I cannot recommend Hannah enough and the treatment she provided.  I found Hannah really easy to talk to, she remembers everything about your life

that you have discussed, which instantly made me feel comfortable around her. I found Hannah to be be very professional and friendly.’

Women’s Health Specialist Osteopath – What can they help with?

During a women’s life there are many different stages of emotional, physical and hormonal changes.  Through  adolescents, to fertility, pregnancy, motherhood and menopause, every stage presents its own challenges.

Things a women’s health specialist osteopath might be able to help you with:

  • Common gynae issues: irregular bleeding , pain during sex, painful periods
  • Fertility support
  • Pregnancy and after delivery – Pelvic pain, helping to promote good positioning of the baby for delivery, post episiotomy pain, post birth recovery.
  • Pelvic floor health  – incontinence, pelvic pain and sexual sensation issues

Hannah enjoys working with people and especially, pregnant women to enhance health and well being, restoring balance and function to their bodies, at all stages of life.

Hannah Hilton specialist Women's Health Osteopath

Not just for women……

Having studied a Masters degree in Osteopathy, Hannah Hilton  doesn’t just treat women – she equally enjoys helping patients of all ages and men too!!

So if your based in Stockport, Cheadle, Cheshire, Manchester then Hannah would love to help ease your:

  • low back pain
  • sciatica
  • joint and muscle pain and stiffness
  • trapped nerves
  • pain of arthritis
  • minor sports injuries ….. and much more

Hannah Hilton specialist women's health osteopath


Her diary is open for Bookings Now 

‘ Hannah always looks beyond the initial treatment to see if there are underlying symptoms of life situations that can also

be triggering your pain.  If you haven’t tried this treatment and your are in chronic pain, book an appointment – you won’t be sorry’.



Hannah Hilton – Qualifications

M.Ost (Masters in Osteopathy ) from University College of Osteopathy 2013

Post graduate  Diploma in Women’s Health.  Hannah Hilton is one of only 40 Women’s Health Specialist Osteopath in the UK, who hold this qualification.

Currently studying a post graduate diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy

Her position at Cheadle Osteopathy will enable her to help people from all over Stockport, Cheshire, Cheadle, Manchester, South Manchester – we can’t wait for you to all meet her.

Useful links:

Osteopathy In pregnancy 

What we treat?

What’s Osteopathy?

Meet the team 

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