Great Day at Legacy Event 10km – Woodbank

Aug 6, 2013

We would really like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone at Legacy Events (particular Bill & Michael) & Stockport Harriers for inviting us to participate in the 10km at Woodbank Park on Sunday 4th August.

We all had a great time.

Cheadle Osteopathy @ Woodbank Legacy 10k.

Cheadle Osteopathy @ Woodbank Legacy 10k.

It was our first time at the event. We wondered if many people would actually be interested in taking up the offer of a free sports massage & advice after completing their 10km.

Any doubts soon receded as the elite runners started to enter the stadium and make their way to the finish line. Initially they were tentative. Gradually they got over their shyness and came to check out our pitch. This steady trickle soon became a torrent as the main body of runners reached the finish. The whole scene reminded us of the movie Zulu. And yes the Zulu’s started to overrun the field hospital!


The start of the Legacy 10km – Woodbank.

Since the weekend we have received really great feedback. So it was a very easy decision to sign up for next year’s event. Hopefully we can double the available facilities and recruit some more practitioners to help meet the demand.

For those of you who are interested in participating in next year’s Woodbank 10km or one of the other Legacy Events check out

See you soon….


Legacy Event 10K – Woodbank.


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