Osteopaths in the Workplace – Spinal Assessements

Oct 18, 2018

Back care week – Osteopaths in the workplace at  Together Money
October 8th -12th 2018

The Back Care Event – Osteopaths in the workplace

This year for back care week we got out into the community.  As Osteopaths in the workplace we spoke to staff and gave advice and mini “spinal assessments”.

“Together Money”, on Cheadle Royal Business Park, were kind enough to invite us along for the afternoon.

Many of their staff members are now patients of ours and have found these events really helpful as we have introduced them to the idea of Osteopathy and how we can make their lives more comfortable and keeping them doing the hobbies and activities they love.

After all you want to work to live and not the other way around.


On the Day

During a busy lunchtime, we stationed ourselves in the “atrium” (canteen), ready to give face to face advice to the Together Money staff members about their aches and pains but also to offer FREE spinal check- ups – to look in a little more detail at what might be the root cause of their problem.








Osteopaths in the workplace – Getting set up & booking in patients – the first step to feeling better



We know people have busy lives these days and often your health and well being get ignored. Those background ”niggles” that often build into bigger problems. It’s only when a more acute pain results that you seek treatment.

These events are great, as we can hopefully educate and intervene before those little problems grow into more painful and problematic ones.

At Cheadle Osteopathy we pride ourselves on investing in your health and wellbeing. We don’t just get you feeling better but we empower you with the right tools and advice to keep you feeling better.


Just some of the information and advice we gave on the day included :
• Desk set up
• Driving posture and positioning
• Gentle exercises and stretches to maintain mobility even when you have a desk job
• Choosing a mattress
• Improving running technique to reduce injury……….

The importance of workplace wellness:

Work days lost due to musculoskeletal problems are estimated to be 30.8 million a year! That’s 22% of total sick days, second only to the common cold at 25%. (Office of National Statistics 2016).

It’s a no brainer really that anything a company can do to invest in the physical health of its staff is an investment well made (even better as we don’t charge for doing these events – what’s not to love).


Together money invest a lot in the well being of their staff and are proactive in providing a welcoming, sociable work environment, wellness events (such as this and other we’ve attended in the past) and regular lunchtime groups and activities for their workers.
It was a pleasure to be invited in as part of that ongoing care of their staff.


If you would like to have  our osteopaths in the workplace and run similar events please get in touch and we would love to get involved.

Let’s get out there and spread the word about Osteopathy  &
… a healthier you.

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