5 easy glutes exercises – By expert osteopaths based in Stockport, treating patients from Cheadle, Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester

Sep 24, 2020

Want to know how to strengthen your glutes? Here are our top 5 glutes exercises to get you started.

Glutes are vital for strengthening your lower back, preventing back pain, they work in conjunction with your core muscles, they maintain good pelvic alignment and stability and the help to prevent injuries with running and other sports.

5 easy glutes exercises

Your glutes are some of the biggest and strongest muscles groups in your body but they don’t like sitting and sedentary lifestyles – your glutes need to be used.

If you find your struggle with chronic lower back pain, stiffness when getting up from sitting, lower back pain with running or exercising then these 5 easy exercises for glutes may be just what you need.

As osteopaths based in Stockport, treating patients from Cheadle, Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester we commonly support people to improve their glutes strength and improve their spine health.

How do I strengthen my glutes?

The key is to use them – exercise!!

These easy exercises for glutes are easy to fit into your everyday life.  The key is not to make exercise a chore but to find little pockets during the day to incorporate it and make it a new habit.

Habits sticks better when we attach new habits to old. So, if you have a cuppa every morning – do some glutes exercise while you wait for the kettle to boil. Watching TV in the evenings – stand up in the adverts and do some glutes exercises. Waiting for the kids at the school gates – do some glutes exercises (if you don’t mind some funny looks).

Go through your day and think about your daily habits and pattern – where could you fit it in?

5 easy exercises for glutes – from your friendly osteopaths serving Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester

These are simple exercises to get your started and can be done at a level that suits you.

Start just using your own body weight as resistance and then build up to using resistance bands and light hand/ ankle weights, to increase the challenge.
With all these exercises we have included different levels of glutes exercises.

Choose the level that is right for you. Start easy and build up so it’s a challenge but not pushing too hard too soon.
It can take 6-8 weeks to build up so take it easy and take your time. (you may still feel the benefits after just a week or two though)

If you get any pain or aren’t sure of the technique stop. We will be happy to advise you.  Our osteopathic clinic in Cheadle, Stockport commonly sees patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.

If you have any injuries or issues especially with your knees and hips – get our expert advice first. We maybe able to tweak things so it’s more bespoke for you.

Glutes exercises 1 – Squats.

(Advice from osteopaths based in Cheadle, Stockport commonly seeing patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.)Squats are not just squats. There are lots of different versions that suit everyone.

Not sure where to start – start simple. How does it feel? Not challenging enough – take it up a gear.

Adding resistance bands and hand weights will add a further challenge. But don’t push it too hard too soon.

Level 1 : 1/4 squat with wall support

Level 2: 1/2 squat

Level 3: Full Squat

Level 4: Full squat with band, with ball squeeze

Level 5: Single leg squats 1/4 and full

Glutes exercises 2 – Clam

5 easy glutes exercsies(Advice from osteopaths based in Cheadle, Stockport commonly seeing patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.)

Level 1: Basic Clam

Level 2: Legs raised clam 

Extra challenge add a resistance band to make those glutes work harder.

Level 3: Clam with resistance band

Level 4: Advanced resistance band clam

Glutes exercises 3 – Lunges / walking lunges

(Advice from osteopaths based in Cheadle, Stockport commonly seeing patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.)

5 easy glutes exercises

Level 1: Half lunge

Level 2: Walking lunges

Level 3: Backwards walking lunges

Add small hand weights to increase the challenge of these glutes exercises, when you are ready.

Glutes exercises 4 – Bridge

5 easy glutes exercises(Advice from osteopaths based in Cheadle, Stockport commonly seeing patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.)

With this exercise it’s really important not to arch you back, keep your tailbone tucked under. If you feel pinching in your lower back – stop.

Squeeze with your buttock on the side that the foot is on the floor to avoid side to side tipping of your pelvis. Imaging you have a bowl of water on your stomach and you don’t want it sloshing about / spilling.

Level 1: Basic bridge

Level 2: Bridge with knee fold

Level 3: Bridge with straight leg

Glutes exercises 5 –  Lateral walking (that’s sideways walking to most people)

(Advice from osteopaths based in Cheadle, Stockport commonly seeing patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.)

This one can be done without the resistance band to start and then add in the bad if you need more of a challenge.

Level 1: Lateral walking – sideways walking

Level 2: Lateral walking with resistance band (see video above)

That should keep you busy!

Glutes exercise – stretches to finish

(Advice from osteopaths based in Cheadle, Stockport commonly seeing patients from all over Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester.)

Don’t forget to stretch too. Strength needs to be balanced with flexibility. These are great post workout stretches to follow your glutes exercises.

Lower back: Mobility  Flexion Stretch

Glutes : Basic

Extra challenge



Useful further info for good glutes health: 

This blog on the benefits of backwards walking is also great to kick your glutes into action.

5 ways to get started with a foam roller

If you need more bespoke advice for you and your condition, we have a team of expert osteopaths happy to help you. We commonly treat people form Stockport, Cheadle, Cheshire, Manchester, South Manchester and surrounding areas.

Back pain is our bread and butter. So, let us help you to get stronger, get pain free and get back to things you love in life.

You don’t need to live with pain anymore BOOK NOW

BOOK NOW:  Osteopaths serving Cheadle, Stockport, Cheshire, Manchester and South Manchester

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