How to have an eco friendly Christmas – our top tips

Nov 19, 2021

There’s a lot of focus at the moment (rightly so) on climate change, the environment and how we are all impacting on it. Many of us are looking for ways we can ‘do our bit’. But at Christmas time or times of holiday and celebration, it can be even harder to be planet kind. We want to have fun, show people how much we care about them & indulge ourselves a bit too. Can we have all this & still be environmentally friendly? Well luckily there are so many fantastic ideas & innovations that mean we definitely can! Who knows, it might even make the festivities it feel even more special.

Eco Friendly Christmas

An eco friendly Christmas – Here are some top tips:

  • Fabric wrapping:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Instead of using paper and plastic sticking tape, why not use beautiful fabrics, that can be tied with ribbon/ string. They can be reused again & again & make gifts feel extra luxurious! Not just for Christmas, this goes for all gifts!

Here’s how to do it

  • Hire Christmas tree
Even real Christmas tress have an environmental impact & are often just thrown away end the end of the holidays.
When you hire a tree they collect it after Christmas & replant it!
If rental isn’t for you then try to buy a tree that’s been grown locally. Here’s how to find out about growers in your area: or
Look out for the ‘Grown in Britain’ label or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ‘seal of approval’, both of which guarantee your tree has been grown to set environmental standards.
When the festivities are over try to recycle your tree too
  • Greetings cards
Do you need to send so many? Could you donate to a local charity instead? Send an e-card? If not and you still want to send a physical card, why not think about a plantable card.
They are impregnated with wild flower seeds and can be torn up & buried and wait for them to bloom! Bringing a little extra cheer later in the year.
  • crackers
No Christmas celebration is complete with our crackers & silly hats. Fabric / metal crackers can be reused year after year and filled with your own personalized surprises. They make for a lovely family tradition that hopefully can be passed down to the next generation too!  Eco Crackers guide 
  • Food waste
Whatever the celebration or festival food is always a key feature. No one wants to be a party pooper and stop that. But maybe give a thought to how much you really need, meal plan and if all else fails apps like Olio are great for passing on any that’s left over.Eco Christmas
Have you got a food waste bin from the council? Get one here
One of my patients said they always make a ‘left over pie’ on Boxing Day. The left overs from Christmas dinner layered up in a delicious pie
  • let’s get ready to party!
This year celebrating with family and friends, will feel especially special and we all like to get dressed up and make an effort for survival celebrations.
But does that mean a new outfit??
Could you wear something you’ve worn before? Borrow / swap with a friend? Or buy second hand. There are so many great pre loved websites now – which feel like regular online shopping but are kinder to the planet & your purse! (see the useful links section below)
  • Gifts

Eco friendly Christmas

Whether it’s birthday, Christmas, Eid, Chanukah….. we all love to give & receive gifts. It is a big part of how we can show our loved ones that we care & have thought about what they will like.
Maybe this year think about how you can give time or experiences instead of more stuff, that may end up cast aside come the new year.
For the kids, we love theatre tickets, cinema vouchers, day out at a farm or theme park – stuff they will remember and cherish.
For adults a meal out together, spa day, local craft beer tasting experience are all winners. (osteopathy vouchers make great gifts too!)
Or maybe just a jar of personalized ‘ I owe yous’.
  • Add some sparkle ✨
No celebration is complete without a little sparkle!! There are now loads of vegan & biodegradable glitters – no need to compromise on the glitz.
A few small changes here & there will make for a Christmas that is extra special for you, your loved ones & the planet 🌎
More eco tips: 
Sharing app. for unwanted gifts / goods, including food
Preloaded clothing:
Kids Clothes: 

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