Osteopathy treatment for Mum and Baby: Make the most of your new adventure together

Jan 9, 2019

“New Mother’s need as much attention as a new born because they too have just been born “

Mums & Dads understandably want the best start for their children. Helping your baby to feel relaxed and more comfortable is a basic.

But what about you?
Don’t you deserve some TLC too?

You’ve been through 9 months of pregnancy with you own body constantly shifting and moving, then the strains of labour (or major surgery for you had a c section) & then you’re sent home to lift, carry & bend, caring for your new baby.

It can be a daunting time, you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing (but actually you really do – you’ve got this) & you need someone to listen to your concerns.

There’s a lot to adjust to.

It’s no wonder you have aches & pains – but you don’t need to.

Osteopathy Treatment for Mum and Baby



An Osteopathy treatment for Mum and Baby is an opportunity to let us look after you too, so you can look after your baby.

We offer a mum & baby package so it’s affordable for you both to have treatment.

We care about helping you both to feel more comfortable and enjoy your time together in these precious few months and years.  After all you need to look after yourself so you can be there when your little one needs you.




Getting started with Osteopathy treatment for Mum and Baby is simple:

4 easy steps to helping you and your baby will feel more relaxed & more comfortable.  Feel reassured, that you’re doing your best

  1. Book an appointment 
  2. We take time to listen to your story and concerns
  3. Start the very gentle treatment, in the first session
  4. Get advice and tips to take home with you about how you can help yourself and your baby

Osteopathy Treatment for Mum and Baby

Osteopathy Treatment for Mum and Baby


Osteopathy Treatments for Mum and Baby – The Package: (See prices page)

You will get two full treatment session (when booking this means you need to book two full appointments, one for you and one for your baby)

The treatments don’t need to be booked one after another – they can be on different days at different times.

If you want to relax, switch off & let us take care of you, then it’s helpful if someone else can look after the baby while you have treatment.

However if this isn’t an option, we are more than happy for you to bring your baby along. We’re used to working treatments so you can hold your baby & were always there to rock the car seat / park, pop a dummy in or even hold them while you nip to the loo in peace (a luxury!!)

Start feeling better & let us help you to make the most your new adventure together.


Book online


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