I’ve always been interested in how things work, from a simple lightbulb to a more complex engine, and of course, how the human body behaves and performs.
Before I qualified as an osteopath my first degree was in Electrical Engineering.
My life changed when I first had Osteopathic treatment and I’ve been fascinated and inspired ever since.
When studying Osteopathy at University I was particularly drawn to both the Cranial field and Fascial treatment. This is minimalistic and less activet approach. It’s very gentle and relaxing, but at the same time extremely effective.
Nowadays we all live very busy lives and sometimes we forget how the body should feel. I feel Osteopathic treatment helps us to re-set.
I love the outdoors and nothing I enjoy more is the buzz that rock climbing brings.
I also like to keep challenging myself and I’m currently learning to learn how to skate.
To relax I love to listening to music and playing my harmonica.