Welcome to the Festive Season – Your guide to being stress free
The festive season shouldn’t be stressful.
Our festive guide has films, festive drinks, tips to keep you sane, gift ideas & health advice. We’ve got the festive season all wrapped up – so you can relax and enjoy it.
Look after yourself:
- Lighten the load: Empty out your handbag of anything you don’t need to carry around – water bottle? Bunch of keys? Overstuffed purse? Take a few extra minutes and re organise your bag. Your legs, back and feet will thank you for it. After all, the less strain you put on your back and neck means you will probably be able to shop for longer and reduce the number of trips you have to make over all – that’s got to be worth it!
- Men take your wallet out of your pocket: Sitting on a wallet or having it in your front pocket can compress the nerves and blood vessels in your buttock or groin. So take it out before you sit down.
- Wrapping gifts – little and often is the key. Try to stand & use a high table or surface rather than struggling bending over on the floor. Or bulk buy gifts bags!! (Reusable too so more environmentally friendly)
Gift vouchers don’t require any wrapping – we do them in denominations of £5. Give the gift of health! Pop in a pick them up or e mail us at info@cheadleosteopathy.co.uk and we will post them out.
Struggling for gift ideas during the festive season?
- Packing the car: Whether it’s gifts, food or cases, pack heavier items near the front of the boot so you don’t have to over reach and drag or lift heavier weights
- Niggles niggle for a reason: Don’t ignore the niggles – have you pulled something lifting things in and out of the car? Has stress lead to tension across your neck & shoulders?
Lighten the load over the festive season.
- Now’s the time to get the niggles checked. The last thing you want is pain ruining your Christmas. This is especially important if you have a long car journey ahead or will be staying in different beds.
- You don’t want to end up with Turkey back! (when your lifting the turkey out of the oven and you go into spasm)
- Book in and we can give you an MOT a nip those niggles in the bud – leaving you free to enjoy the holidays.
Feel Good Fun
Take sometime out for some fun.
Here here are our top feel good films, to brighten up these dark winter days (in no particular order)
Why not watch one (or two or three….). You deserve it, the festive season should be fun.
It’s a wonderful life
Silver linings playbook
Midnight in Paris
Inside out
Meet me in St. Louis
The Holiday
Muppets Christmas Carol
Little Miss Sunshine
In Pursuit of Happiness
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
If it all gets too much over the festive season…….
in the autumn forest. fall weekend. photo toned, selective focus.
If you are struggling to keep calm and carry on then take a look at our mindfulness blog.
Everyday, simple ideas about how to be mindful
Failing that try screaming. Take yourself off somewhere (bottom of the garden, in car…..) & scream!!!! Just 5 seconds of screaming can literally help to let off steam & help you to relax & let go.
The final straw cocktails and mocktails…..(to enjoy responsibly during the festive season)
Follow the link to our top picks to make this festive season merry and bright.
Cocktails and Mocktails – Enjoy
Whatever your faith, beliefs, or lack of them – all of us at Cheadle Osteopathy wish a very happy holiday season and health and happiness for 2019.