How often should you see an osteopath for your baby or child?

Oct 25, 2020

How often should you see an osteopath for your baby or child might seem like an obvious question.  ‘When they need it’.  But how do you know when the need to see an osteopath? Just when they have a problem or do babies and children need M.O.T.s too? And if so how often?

As Mums and Dads you understandably want the best start for your child. At Cheadle Osteopathy we care about supporting your baby or child as they grow and thrive, investing in their health now and in the future.

Many people initially come to see us because they have an immediate problem. Your baby might be crying a lot, have discomfort with wind or be struggling to move their head and neck.  Once your baby has improved and is feeling better, often parents stop treatment at that point.

But as your child grows, how often should you see an osteopath for your baby or child?

Do you wait for a problem? What can osteopathy help with as my child grows? Should they be having check-ups? How often should they be seen?

Child and adolescent hood is a unique time of life when your child’s body is growing changing and developing at a rapid rate, more than any other time of their life.

Your child will be exploring the world, having bumps, falls, scrapes and picking up illnesses along the way. It’s all part of being a kid.  However as parents, you don’t want them to be in pain and want them to grow up healthy.

We all know that as kids get older these day their lifestyles are becoming more sedentary – more sitting at school, on the computer and less time outdoors.  In addition, stress and pressure from exams can all contribute to physical tension on their body that is growing and changing.

We want to help your child to feel relaxed and comfortable so they can get on with being a kid. At Cheadle Osteopathy, helping your child to ‘grow with osteopathy’,  to support their bodies through the bumps and scrapes of child and adolescent hood, is a privilege and a passion.  Setting up positive attitudes towards self care and prioritising health, are so important in child and adolescent hood that will help to set them up for the future.


How often should you see an osteopath for your baby or child?

An occasional check up with a paediatric osteopath may be helpful in alleviating any aches and pains, following bumps and falls, minor sports injuries or growth spurts.

At Cheadle Osteopathy we recommend all children have a check up every six months. Some may need it more often depending on their individual circumstances.

It’s a bit like six-month check ups at the dentist, that we are all familiar with. You don’t take your child because they necessarily have a problem but it’s a good idea to catch any issue early and prevent problems, where possible.

All these factors can have an impact on your child’s body mechanics.

How often should you see an osteopath for your baby or child?  – Six-month check ups

These six months check ups are an opportunity to:
• Release any mechanical tensions in their body
• Help them to feel to more relaxed and comfortable
• Get advice on their development, growth, hobbies and activities that would be good for them, exercises / stretches
• Help them to develop good, health habits that will last them a lifetime
• Get reassurance that they are developing well

How often should you see an osteopath for your baby or child?  – other times

Additional times to consider a check are:
• After a significant fall/ injury
• Growth spurts, especially if its associated with them not sleeping as well, being more emotional/anxious than normal or complaining of discomfort.
• Dental work – accidents, extractions and brace work can lead to physical tension int heir neck or head as a result
• Sports injuries
• Times of stress – exams, house moves, changes in family/school/social situations.

The soothing, calming and relaxing nature of the treatment can help them to feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Amira has been having treatment since she was three weeks old!! Look at her now.  We’ll let Amira tell you how it has helped her as she has grown up.

If your child hasn’t been in for a treatment recently then book online now.

Don’t forget about yourself too – Mums and Dads matter too. Looking after your own mental and physical health is not a luxury it’s a priority and is great role modelling for your children.

Mum and Baby Package

Mums and Dads – When should I see an osteopath?

Learn More about Osteopathy:

Cranial osteopathy

More about osteopathy for babies and children

What we treat

What’s Osteopathy – How could it help me and my family? 

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