Keeping you safe – COVID 19 Risk assessment and mitigation steps

May 22, 2020

Following guidance from our governing body, professional institutions and Public Health England we are  able to remain  open for face to face appointments, with certain conditions in place.

We wanted to let you know who we can see and how we are working hard to keep you and ourselves safe.

We are not complacent about the risk of COVID 19  but hopefully you will reassured buy the steps we have taken to minimize the risk.
Things might be a bit different for a while in the clinic. But rest assured we will still be giving you the same level of care, professionalism and warmth that they always have.

Click the links below to see the full risk assessments of all areas of practice and the steps we have taken to mitigate risk:

Risk Assessment and Procedures Table format ( January 2021)

Health and safety review full detailed written review January 2021

Summary of mitigation steps in place for returning to face to face consultations and necessary adaptations to practice.

We reviewed all aspects of the patient journey to identify risk areas for infection control and exposure to the virus for osteopaths and patients alike. We put in place polices to mitigate these risks as much as we can. We looked at aspects prior to the appointment, during and after the appointment.

We hope this serves to reassure you that your safety is of paramount importance to us at Cheadle Osteopathy

Who can we treat face to face?

We are  encouraged by Public Health England, our governing bodies and professional associations to  see patients face to face, with appropriate safety measures in place.

If you are in pain, have a condition that is worsening, pain that is interrupting daily tasks such as work and sleep, you would otherwise need to seek NHS services or even if you need routine maintenance appointments, then we are here for you.    If you have any underlying medical conditions are in a clinically vulnerable / extremely vulnerable group,  please let us know at the time of your booking, as we may wish to discuss this in more detail before your appointment.  Each patient is risk assessed to ensure that a face to face treatment is appropriate and as safe as possible. See NHS sources for further guidance if you are unsure.

Video consultations will be conducted for those patients who we feel are not suitable for face to face appointments or if you as a patient feel more comfortable with this option. The video consultations and face to face appointments are charged at the same rate and the same amount of time is allowed for.

Infection Control Procedures

Some of these procedures are new, some are not and some are just a pimped up version of what we have always done anyway.

Both ourselves as osteopaths and you as our patients have a vital role to play in minimizing risks for everyone using the clinic.


Patient pre treatment screening: The day before your appointment you will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire. This ensures it is safe for you to attend the clinic. Unfortunately you will be not allowed entry to the clinic if this is not completed. .

Waiting for your appointment: We request that you wait in your car in the car park at the back or outside the door (at a safe social distance from other people). We will phone you /collect you for your appointment. Please make sure your phone isn’t on silent.

Hand washing: You will be asked to wash your hands / gel  on entering the practice, before your appointment and at the end.

Masks: We will be providing patients & chaperones with masks to be worn for the duration of time at the clinic. (young children will not be expected to).  You will be provided with a Type IIR, medical PPE grade, surgical mask.  This keeps you and us as safe as possible.  If you are unable / unwillingly to wear a mask, then please speak to us before booking an appointment.  It is likely a video consultation will be the safest option for everyone.   Cloth masks / face visors instead of a mask will not be allowed.  Please wear a mask or some description for entry to the clinic and then we will ask you to swap it.

Minimizing traffic through the clinic: Only the person attending the appointment, will be allowed access to the clinic. Those under sixteen will be need one accompanying adult. If you feel you would like / need a chaperone/ interpreter then this is your right and it will not be denied. Please discuss it with us prior to your appointment if possible. Chaperones/interpreters will be obliged to complete pre screening questionnaire and wear masks provided too.

Personal belongings: Avoid bringing personal belongings such as handbags, into the clinic. The only exceptions will be a few toys / I pad needed for children’s appointments. Please ensure these have been cleaned appropriately before bringing them in.

Payments: Please pay by debit card where possible.  Please note that as of August 2020 there is now a £2 PPE fee added to all treatments.  If you would like to know more about this charge read more.

Test and trace: If you developed symptoms of COVID 19 within three days of having treatment please contact us immediately.  DO NOT LIST US AS A CONTACT WITH TEST AND TRACE.  As healthcare providers in full PPE we do not need to isolate.  We would still appreciate you telling us, so we can be extra vigilant about our own health and may decide to be extra cautious and not see anyone vulnerable for a few weeks.   If your osteopath tests positive we will inform test and trace of all our procedures and PPE and it may be that you don’t need to isolate, but this will be for PHE to decide.

Cheadle OSteopathy – Infection Control

At the clinic:

We have always maintained high standards of cleanliness but given the current situation this will be ramped up even further.

Cleaning: Treatment rooms disinfected and aerated between every patient. Commonly touched areas will be disinfected every 2-3 hours.

Towels: We will not be using towels on the treatment bench. A clean towel will be used per patient to cover you during treatment.

Staggered appointment times: We will be staggering appointment times so patients don’t cross over in the clinic.

Laundry: Will be washed at 60 degrees with a laundry disinfectant and tumble dried. A clean towel will be used with each patient.

Handwashing: will be washing our hands and arms between every patient (we will be wearing gloves too) .

Our own health: We will be monitoring our health daily. We have track and trace procedures in place should one of us become unwell.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

In order to protect both you as patients and ourselves as osteopaths we will be wearing PPE. The level of PPE is set out in Government best practice guidelines

This will include:

Masks: Osteopaths and patients will both be wearing masks
Gloves: Your osteopath will be wearing gloves during your treatment, in accordance with Government guidelines. These will be changed for every patient.
Goggles/Visor: you osteopath may need to wear eye protection for certain techniques or with certain patients i.e. children (as they will not be wearing masks and can cough/sneeze with little warning). These will be disinfected between every patient use.
Single use aprons: We will be wearing aprons in all our treatments. These will be changed for every patient.


If you have any questions / concerns please feel free to get in touch.


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