
So what is text neck?
So what is text neck?

You may or may be familiar with the term text neck but if like me,  you are slightly tablet and/or smart phone obsessed, you will ,albeit reluctantly, admit that that neck pain, headache or shoulder tension you’ve been struggling with may be due in part to poor...

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Arthritis symptoms and the weather
Arthritis symptoms and the weather

Remember when we all used to laugh when Granny predicted “my arthritis is playing up, there’ll be rain on the way….” Well scientists at the University of Manchester think she might have had a point after all. Arthritis is a general term used to describe joint...

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Jump Space Charity
Jump Space Charity

Cheadle Osteopathy is now supporting Jump Space Charity We are thrilled to announce that Cheadle Osteopathy will be supporting local charity, “Jump Space”, through the sale of wheat bags.  In the coming months we will be selling wheat packs (which can be used hot or...

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Could my ribs be responsible for my back ache?
Could my ribs be responsible for my back ache?

What is rib dysfunction? The rib cage is designed to be mobile as so that it can expand as we breathe in and relax as we breathe out. The ribs move in a specific pattern, which is essential to get air into our lungs. A rib dysfunction occurs when a rib does not...

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TMJ Dysfunction
TMJ Dysfunction

The Jaw joint, or Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), is a common source of discomfort. The TMJ is the joint between the upper and lower jaws, which can be felt just in front of your ears when you open and close your mouth. Pain linked with this joint is referred to as TMJ...

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Back Care Awareness Week – 5th – 11th October 2015
Back Care Awareness Week – 5th – 11th October 2015

To mark Back Care Awareness Week the team at Cheadle Osteopathy are offering £10 off initial consultations (new patients) for the entire month of October. Call 0161 478 1877 or use our 24/7 Online Booking system at   ‘BackCare’ is...

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Sit / Stand Desks. Are they the way forward?
Sit / Stand Desks. Are they the way forward?

     You may have read about the new phenomenon that has swept the workplace, Sit/Stand Desks. Some governments have become positively evangelical about them. For example, the Danish government have made it a legal requirement for companies to offer their employees...

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The Anti-inflammatory Curry
The Anti-inflammatory Curry

This recipe may be regarded as an anti-inflammatory power house. It is suitable for anyone suffering with an inflammatory  joint condition from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, through to bursitis and tendinitis (or indeed anyone who just likes a good curry!)  ...

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How to adjust your car seat to prevent back pain.
How to adjust your car seat to prevent back pain.

How to adjust your car seat to prevent back pain. A new study from has found that 48% of all British drivers suffer from what is being coined as a Repetitive Driving Injury. Ergonomic experts believe that drivers can develop long term joint, muscle...

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Does Bigger Mean Better? (Monitor Size)
Does Bigger Mean Better? (Monitor Size)

Monitor Size – Does Bigger Mean Better? This was the question posed to me in an email recently sent by a lady (and client of mine) whose husband was thinking of upgrading his equipment. In this case he was trying to convince his wife (and business partner) that the...

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Medical Acupuncture
Medical Acupuncture

Western Medical Acupuncture (WMA) is a therapeutic technique involving the insertion of fine needles into specific points of the body. It is an adaptation of Chinese acupuncture using current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and the principles of...

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Buying a new car? Considered your back!
Buying a new car? Considered your back!

Traditionally this is the time of year many of us look at purchasing a new car, in time for the 2014 registration in March. You may already know the make and model that meets your needs but have you given much thought to its suitability when it comes to your spine...

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