The Secret to a Good night’s Sleep ZZZzzzz

The Secret to a Good night’s Sleep ZZZzzzz

Do you want to wake up feeling enthusiastic for the day ahead, refreshed, your energy levels renewed and ready to face the day? It all starts with a good night sleep. Struggling to get a good night’s sleep, feeling anxious about going to bed and the “pressure” to...
Invest in your health – Look after your body and it will look after you

Invest in your health – Look after your body and it will look after you

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today” I saw this quote on someone’s shopping bag, the other day and it got me thinking….. Life is busy. Often you are just focussed on getting through the next few weeks or months and the endless “to do list”. If...
Creme Egg Cheescake

Creme Egg Cheescake

Ok we know it isn’t the heathiest recipe, be we all deserve a little treat sometimes – Enjoy (consume in moderation!) Let us know how you get on and share you pictures with us on Facebook  For the base: 300g chocolate digestive biscuits 150g unsalted butter For the...
Mindfulness for Kids and Teenagers

Mindfulness for Kids and Teenagers

Mindfulness for kids and teenagers, in schools,  has been in the new recently.  Many schools have realised that in order to help our children grow, thrive and flourish we need to find new ways to help them cope with stress and anxieties.  More and more teachers are...